First Impact Report Launched for Waka Aronui: Supporting Equitable Transition

Ākina and Manukau Urban Māori Authority (MUMA) have published the first annual import report of Waka Aronui. This impact report demonstrates the outcomes from the first year of the programme, showcasing the power of collaboration to create positive impact across social, cultural, economic, and environmental domains.

About Waka Aronui

Waka Aronui is a social car leasing programme that provides affordable access for families and whānau to safe, reliable, low-emission vehicles.

In 2019, an opportunity was identified for a Social Car Leasing Scheme that could support low income families and whānau to be part of the transition to low emissions vehicles. Ākina took this opportunity forward, in partnership with MUMA, to design a pilot programme focused on whānau in South Auckland. To date,MUMA has managed the rollout and operations of the programme for more than 20 whānau involved in Waka Aronui 

Impact highlights

The anecdotes and stories in this report are voices of the programme participants.
For example, we have heard:

“The vehicle savings have helped me provide more for my mokos through savings on fuel and maintenance. I can contribute more to household expenses - food , power, internet costs and rates. Also helping to pay my mokos' kura and kohanga fees.”

“Having a reliable car means that I am more likely to engage in community activities at night time - knowing I will get home safely.”

What Waka Aronui has achieved would not be possible without incredible partnerships - comprising local and central government, philanthropy, business, and community organisations. We are grateful for this collective effort, and for the trust you have placed in the Ākina / MUMA team.

Next steps

With the support from BNZ Foundation, Ākina is excited to be conducting a feasibility study on scaling Waka Aronui in the coming months. This will be done together with MUMA and other community partners,and will be important in guiding future decisions for the programme's expansion.

If you are interested in learning more about the programme, discussing any aspects of the report, or being involved in growing the impact further, please feel free to get in touch.

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